A recent BBC Radio 3 programme included the music of Isaac Hirshow, cantor of Garnethill Synagogue from 1925-1956. Hirshow was introduced by academic Phil Alexander, with an interview recorded in Garnethill and the inclusion of two pieces of music, ‘Shlof mayn kind’ (UK Premiere) and ‘Kol Gojim’ (UK Premiere). These were performed by the BBC Singers. The theme of the programme was rediscovered composers, and the section on Isaac Hirshow appears at 1:00:20 in the programme. It will be available at this link for 30 days following its broadcast on the 4th November 2022: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001dg1r

Garnethill also appears in the BBC documentary, ‘Being Jewish in Scotland’, which was broadcast in October 2022. It will be available at this link until October 2023: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001d2w0/being-jewish-in-scotland.